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Thursday, June 13, 2013

An Author in "Training" - 'Til the Storm Passes By

Sometimes, you just need to find bedrock to hook your anchor into. Sometimes, for me, that bedrock is an old song. Last night, sitting in my basement, listening to the wind, the rain, and thethunder, two songs kept playing through my head. Today, as I look out on a fresh-washed world, I offer them to you, with any help you might find in them as you face whatever storms may be heading your way.

O, God Our Help In Ages Past

O, God our help in ages past
Our hope for years to come
Our shelter from the stormy blast
And our eternal home.

Beneath the shadow of thy throne
Still may we dwell secure
Sufficient is thine arm alone
And our defense is sure. 

Safe 'Til The Storm Passes By

In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face 
While the storm howls above me and there's no hiding place 
'Mid the crash of the thunder, precious Lord hear my cry, 
"Keep me safe til the storm passes by."   

'Til the storm passes over 
'Til the night is no more 
'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky 
Hold me fast, let me stand 
In the hollow of thy hand 
Keep me safe till the storm passes by. 

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