There’s a well-known saying about change and risk: “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.” But I think that unfortunately for far too many of us, even believers, the saying that would more accurately express our lives would be, “Better the devil you know than the God you don’t know.”
Why would we feel this way? Why would our knowledge of the enemy be more comprehensive, more comforting than our knowledge of God? Why would we choose the mistreatment and bullying of the enemy as preferable to the love and care of our Heavenly Father? And yet we do. We resist throwing ourselves headlong into the Father’s arms of mercy and grace, yet willingly fling ourselves into worry and fear.
Is It because we want the comfort of relationship predictability, even if that means predictable abuse and humiliation? Do we resist the Father’s love because it seems strange, unfamiliar, unpredictable?
Do we resist the new, deeper waters He calls us to because we can’t predict what He will do, how His love will be expressed? At least in the shallow waters of the enemy, we know what to expect—as always, the enemy’s intentions toward us are evil. But they are predictable. It may be a losing game, but at least we know how his game is played.
Maybe what we need is not to spend more time learning about ourselves or our problems, but more time spent in learning who God is, in getting to know Him better.
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