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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me

As a couple of fellow bloggers knew, today was my birthday. Here's how I "celebrated":

1. Hour and a half of therapy for my shoulder.
2. Doctor's appointment to have my injured foot examined.
3. X-ray of injured foot — results available tomorrow
4. Trip to the BMV to renew my driver's license
5. Can't pass the vision test without my glasses — new license has glasses restriction
6. Arrive home to find a phone message from my husband — my mother-in-law has been taken to the hospital with leg pain after a fall
7. Approaching midnight — the DH is still at the hospital with his mom

There you have it, folks.... Real life doesn't stop just because a certain number comes up on the calendar!

A few positive thoughts in closing:

1. I prefer a day like today over what I was experiencing six months ago. I have the energy to do all the running around.
2. My license photo turned out OK.
3. I saw a good friend in Tree of Life who I haven't seen for a while.
4. My family is planning to celebrate my birthday on the weekend.

Life's pretty good after all...in spite of the "bumps".


Robin said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Here's wishing you a year with a few less bumps!

Keetha Broyles said...

I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday till 'after the fact.

Happy belated from me too!!!

I saw a GREAT quote at school today in Mrs. Conrad's Bible room, and I was JUST SURE I could remember it and post it on your quotes blog - - - - - - - but NOT!!!! I'm old and senile I guess.

Jaena said...

Yes, Happy Belated birthday, Marcia. I am waiting for a block of time when I can think (and not have screaming children nearby) to answer all of the prompts in the post you tagged me to do. Could be along wait... maybe this weekend.