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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Quote Sweet Home

Maybe it's just me, but I'm really intrigued by the way some people are able to "turn a phrase". I love the way a good quote—profound, humorous, or touching—can get me to look at an old truth in a new light. I mean, I loooooove quotes! I always have them in word processing files on my computer. I find them scribbled on my Bible flyleaf, scrawled on the back of church bulletins, and jotted on scraps of paper that nest in my office!

I wanted to give all my lovely, hardworking quotes a place of their own. A place of more prominence and honor. Someplace like...a blog of their very own ! So, for the past week and a half, my quotes have been moving, one-by-one, into the new home I've made for them—"he said....she said..."—my daily quote blog. We're issuing a special invitation today, but the link will always be there in the sidebar. Looking forward to seeing you there!

P.S. If you find a good quote that's looking for a home, feel free to drop it off in the Comments Section!

1 comment:

Keetha Broyles said...

Love this idea!!!

Thanks for your comments on my latest post. I do like what Caleb said.