Yesterday, I forgot. I've been feeling so much better lately—reduced symptoms, increased energy—that I somehow forgot! In spite of all the praise and credit I'm always giving to Mirapex (my Parkinson's med) I managed to subconsciously forget that it's the Mirapex that makes me feel better. I totally blew off, unintentionally mind you, my 2PM dose.
By 5:30 I was saying, "I'm so tense and shaky! What's wrong with me?" Then I remembered!
Anna, a budding parabolical thinker (see this blog, 9 Sept., 2005), immediately saw a spiritual connection! Can you spot the parable of the Mirapex? If you think you know, leave a comment. Later, I'll explain what she saw.
(to be continued....)
.......the suspense, I can hardly wait for part deux.
Hmmmmm, maybe she compared it to skipping reading God's Word??????
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