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Monday, May 01, 2006

What a weekend!

Well, it was a wonderful, tiring, WONDERFUL weekend!

Friday evening, my mom, dad, sister, and niece arrived to be part of the weekend. My sister's due in less than three months, so her "bump" is getting quite noticeable. And I got to feel the baby kick! Also, it looks like the plan is for me to be there for labor and delivery! Woo-hoo!

Saturday morning my daughter-in-law graduated from college..."cum laude"! Yay!!! And she did it while working, being married, taking care of a house (and cat), moving to a new house, and starting a family! My daughter is Wonder Woman!

Saturday evening was my daughter's prom. Of course, everyone knows I'm not biased when I say she looked beautiful!

Then Mom, Dad, Cindy, and Abby came back to the house to "hang out". Caleb and Abby had so much fun chasing each other through the house and tickling each other!

Sunday morning was worshiping with extended family. For me, that's always a little taste of heaven.

Sunday afternoon we spent celebrating my son's 21st birthday. Stuffed ourselves at the Chinese buffet, then went back to his new house and ate cake. (Ooooh, my tummy!) Then a nap--of course!

Lots of fun times, but by Sunday night, I was one tired puppy! Was it worth it? You bet-- every minute!

1 comment:

Jaena said...

A slightly belated congratulations about becoming a grandma! You look way too young! (Now, don't you think that was a nice thing for me to say considering your recent cow comment?) :-)
