I've published several books, in a variety of genres, on Amazon.
Search under the name, "Marcia Gunnett Woodard".

Friday, December 11, 2009

"Nomenplasty" - NOW IT CAN BE TOLD!

"Nomenplasty" - plastic surgery of a name (a word I invented)

nomen - name, esp.in ancient Rome, the second name

plasty - the process of shaping and forming, often surgically, ie., plastic surgery

OK, here's the big news.... I'm changing my name for publishing purposes. Or more accurately, reshaping my name. Instead of "First, Initial, Last"--still my legal signature--I have started submitting with "First, Great-grandma's Maiden Name, Last" and asking that I be published under that name.

Below are the reason for the change, and for that specific change.

1. There is another writer named Marcia Woodard.
2. "Marcia Woodard" (to me, anyway) always seems kind of flat, de-fizzed.
3. There are no males in my dad's line to carry on any part of the family name.
4. "Marcia Whittum Woodard" acts like a tongue-twister when you try to say it.
5. "Gunnett" was my paternal grandpa's mother's maiden name.
6. I like the sound of the new name—the way it feels coming out of my mouth.

So, my new name (but only in the publishing world) is:

Marcia Gunnett Woodard

Watch for it!